Confusing Words-13

Commonly Confused Words
1. Earthly & Earthy
Earthly means of or relating to the earth, especially as opposed to heaven; worldly.
Usage Example: His affinity to all earthly things was apparent.
Earthy means of, composed of, or characteristic of earth.
Usage Example: She decorated her drawing room in earthy tones.
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2. Eave & Eve
Eave means usually, eaves the overhanging lower edge of a roof.
Usage Example: The tree swallows and the barn swallows had built their nests under the eaves of the farmhouse.
Eve has the following meanings:
1. It can refer to the day before.
Usage Example: They all assembled on the eve of her departure.
2. The period preceding or leading up to any event, crisis, etc.
Usage Example: People were confused on the eve of the Civil War.
3. The latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall).
Usage Example: She toiled away from dusk to eve.
3. Either & Ether
Either means one or the other of two.
Usage Example: Either I heard it wrong or what he said was not true.
Ether is a colorless volatile highly flammable liquid with a characteristic sweetish odour, made by the reaction of sulphuric acid with ethanol and it is used as a solvent and anaesthetic. 
Usage Example: On external application, ether evaporates very fast, producing intense cold.
4. Elegy & Eulogy
Elegy means a mournful or plaintive poem or song, esp a lament for the dead.
Usage Example: "Lycidas" an elegy for Edward king on was composed by Milton on his death. 
Eulogy means a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person.
Usage Example: There was hardly anyone in the crowd who remembered the name of the person giving the eulogy.
5. Elicit, Illicit & Licit
Elicit means to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke.
Usage Example: Despite her best efforts she has been unable to elicit any aid for the animal shelter.
Illicit means not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful.
Usage Example: He felt happy at having smuggled an illicit bottle of water in the auditorium as the venue was selling them at exorbitant prices.
Licit means legal; lawful; legitimate; permissible. 
Usage Example: The video footage was licit and clear.
6. Eligible, Illegible, Ineligible & Legible
Eligible means meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or work; qualified.
Usage Example: His percentage made him eligible for a number of scholarships.
Illegible means unable to be read or deciphered.
Usage Example: The cashier at the bank refused to cash the old lady's check as her signature had become illegible.
Ineligible means not eligible; not permitted or suitable.
Usage Example: The employees of the firm were ineligible for the contest.
Legible means capable of being read or deciphered, especially with ease, as writing or printing; easily readable.
Usage Example: The photocopies of the report were not legible.
7. Emanate, Eminent, Immanent & Imminent
Emanate means to issue or proceed from or as from a source.
Usage Example: The room was filled with the fragrance emanating from the flowers.
Eminent means high in station, rank, or repute; prominent; distinguished.
Usage Example: The most eminent of lawyers and statesmen were present at the meeting.
Immanent means remaining within; indwelling; inherent.
Usage Example: We were mesmerized by the immanent beauty of the river and the deep forest behind it.
Imminent means likely to occur at any moment; impending.
Usage Example: The danger to life though imminent still the power of prayer kept our hopes alive.
8. Emerge & Immerge
Emerge means to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity.
Usage Example: The ship could be seen emerging from the fog from the lighthouse.
Immerge means to plunge, as into a fluid.
Usage Example: The boat was immerged in the rising waves.
9. Emigrant & Immigrant/ Emigrate & Immigrate
Emigrant means a person who emigrates, as from his or her native country or region.
Usage Example: He sailed from England to America on an emigrant ship.
Immigrant means a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
Usage Example: After the Second World War, immigrants could not find work easily.
Emigrate and Immigrate are the verb forms of the above discussed words.
10. Endemic, Epidemic & Pandemic
Endemic means natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous.
Usage Example: The disease endemic to the tropical region has affected almost a hundred people.
Epidemic means a temporary prevalence of a disease. 
Usage Example: It is getting difficult to control an epidemic of Horseweed even with herbicides.
Pandemic means prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world; epidemic over a large area. 
Usage Example: A pandemic of fear has spread among the political parties before the midterm elections.
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11. Inquiry & Enquiry
Inquiry refers to a specific search or examination of facts. It is mostly used for official investigations.
Usage Example: The police carried out an inquiry into the murder case.
Enquiry refers to a general request for information. It can also be used for a 'search for knowledge in a particular field of study'.
Usage Example: You should make an enquiry about the train schedule ahead of your travel.
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