Abattoir: A building where animals are butchered |
Abattoirs are not places where kids should be taken. |
Abject: Most unfortunate or miserable |
The beggars lived in abject poverty. |
Ablution: A washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite. |
A lot of devotees take an ablution in the Ganges. |
Acclivity: An upward slope or grade (as in a road) |
The acclivity of the mountain made it impossible to climb. |
Audacity: Fearless daring |
He had the audacity to look at his watch while I was talking. |
Babble: Utter meaningless sounds |
The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention. |
Barefaced: Without disguise; unconcealed. |
Eve-teasers are barefaced individuals who should be put behind bars. |
Chicanery: The use of tricks to deceive someone |
The trial revealed a world of crime, corruption and chicanery. |
Cubbyhole: A small compartment |
Pigeons reside in cubbyholes on the side of buildings. |
Declivity: A downward slope or bend |
He slipped down the mountain as the declivity was too hard to manage. |
Decrepit: Worn and broken down by hard use |
The film was shot in a decrepit police station. |
Dissident: Disagreeing, especially with a majority |
Dissidents are found all too often in politics. |
Docile: Easily handled or managed |
They were docile, obedient children. |
Domineering: Exercise power over someone in cruel manner. |
Domineering characters can be hard to bear. |
Foist: To force onto another |
He foisted his work on me. |
Gavel: A small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge |
The judge pounded his gavel to bring order to the proceedings. |
Immure: Imprison |
The con-man was immured for life. |
Impasse: A situation in which no progress can be made |
The government finds itself in a state of impasse with respect of the Lokpal issue. |
Imperturbable: marked by extreme calm and composure |
He was cool, aloof and imperturbable in all circumstances. |
Maculate: Spotted or blotched |
Cheetahs are maculates with black spots on their skin. |
Procrastinate: Postpone or delay needlessly |
He procrastinated the matter until it was almost too late to help anyone. |
Retort: Answer back |
His sharp retort made an impact. |
Scrawny: Being very thin |
She has a long scrawny neck. |
Tantalize: Harass with persistent criticism or carping |
He would tantalize the dog with food. |
Vacillate: Move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern |
She is vacillating over whether or not to marry him. |