Word Groups - 33

Group 1: Words related to feelings
Human beings have a whole gamut of emotions and feelings that they feel under different situations. This article explores 37 feelings, and you can use these words in future to describe your state.
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  • Attraction: The action or power of evoking interest in or liking for some or something.
  • Affection: A gentle feeling of fondness and liking.
  • Agony: Extreme physical or mental suffering.
  • Amazement: A feeling of great surprise or wonder.
  • Anxiety: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
  • Bliss: Perfect happiness; great joy.
  • Bitterness: Anger or disappointment of being treated unfairly.
  • Compassion: Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  • Contentment: A state of complete satisfaction.
  • Disenchanted: Disappointed by someone or something.
  • Dismay: Concern and distress caused by something unexpected.
  • Elation: Great happiness and exhilaration.
  • Enthralled: Captured the fascinated attention of.
  • Enraged: Very angry; furious.
  • Equanimity: Calmness and composure, especially during a difficult situation.
  • Euphoria: A feeling or a state of intense excitement and happiness.
  • Envious: A feeling of intense jealousy.
  • Furious: Extremely angry.
  • Gloomy: A feeling of dullness and depression.
  • Hopeless: A feeling of despair.
  • Humiliation: The act of making someone appear foolish by hurting their dignity and pride.
  • Hysteria: Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
  • Insecurity: Uncertainty about oneself.
  • Jaded: Bored or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having too much of something.
  • Joviality: Cheerful and friendly.
  • Loathing: Intense hatred.
  • Modesty: The quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one's abilities.
  • Mortification: Great embarrassment or shame.
  • Nirvana: (In Buddhism) a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karmas and the cycle of death and rebirth.
  • Ornery: Bad tempered.
  • Querulous: Complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner.
  • Repentance: Sincere regret or remorse.
  • Sardonic: Grimly mocking or cynical.
  • Spellbound: Hold complete attention of someone as though by magic.
  • Timidly: Showing a lack of courage or confidence.
  • Venal: Showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery; corruption.
  • Vivacious: Attractively lively and animated.
Group 2: Words related to happiness
Who does not like to be happy? We all do but are there different types of being happy? Well, in fact, there are and this article illustrates 15 different happy moods that you can use for various situations.
Explore the list of words here:
  • Amused: To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure.
  • Blissful: Completely happy and contented.
  • Blithe: Very happy or cheerful; joyous.
  • Buoyant: Lively and lighthearted; chirpy.
  • Ecstatic: Feeling or showing great enthusiasm or delight.
  • Elated: Full of high spirits, joy, pride or optimism; very happy.
  • Enraptured: Delight beyond measure.
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  • Euphoric: A feeling of great happiness or well-being.
  • Exhilarated: Feeling of happily refreshed and energetic; enliven, made joyful.
  • Gleeful: Full of high-spirited delight; joy or merry.
  • Jovial: Characterized by high-spirited merriment and good cheer.
  • Jubilant: Feeling or expressing great joy, satisfaction.
  • Rapturous: Full of, feeling, or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight.
  • Thrilled: Feeling intense pleasurable excitement.
  • Exuberant: Full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness.
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