List of Idioms - 18

List of Idioms

Idiom 1: Distinguish x from y
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'distinguish x from y'. 
Meaning of the Idiom: to identify between two things

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Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: It is important to distinguish right from wrong.
Incorrect Usage: It is important to distinguish right with wrong.

Idiom 2: Doubt that
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'doubt that'
Meaning of the Idiom: not to be sure about something

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: I doubt that we will build this machine.
Incorrect Usage: I doubt whether we will build this machine.

Idiom 3: Draw attention to
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'draw attention to'.
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: I would like to draw your attention to my discovery.
Incorrect Usage: I would like to draw your attention in my discovery.

Idiom 4: Drawn to
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'drawn to'
Meaning of the Idiom: attracted to

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: I am drawn to sweets.
Incorrect Usage: I am drawn at sweets.

Idiom 5: Drawn upon
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'drawn upon'.
Meaning of the Idiom: used up

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: The swimmer had drawn upon all the energy he had.
Incorrect Usage: The swimmer had drawn on all the energy he had.

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