List of Idioms - 8

List of Idioms

Idiom 1: Ask for

The correct usage for the idiom is: 'ask for'

Meaning of the Idiom: to try to obtain by requesting

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Correct Usage: Sita asked for help in her project work.

Incorrect Usage: Sita asked of help in her project work.

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Idiom 2: Associate with

The correct usage for the idiom is: 'associate with'

Meaning of the Idiom: to be friendly with someone

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Correct Usage: Jean likes to associate with resourceful people.

Incorrect Usage: Jean likes to associate among resourceful people.

Idiom 3: Attend to

The correct usage for the idiom is: 'attend to'

Meaning of the Idiom: to take care of the needs of someone or something

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Correct Usage: Mr. Bakshi is attending to his ailing father.

Incorrect Usage: Mr. Bakshi is attending his ailing father.

Idiom 4: Attribute a to b

The correct usage for the idiom is: 'attribute a to b'

Meaning of the Idiom: to believe that someone or something is the source of something.

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Correct Usage: He attributes the success of the business to his wife.

Incorrect Usage: He attributes the success of the business from/by/with his wife.

Idiom 5: Based on

The correct usage for the idiom is: 'based on'

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:

Correct Usage: The documentary is based on a real life situation.

Incorrect Usage: The documentary is based to a real life situation.

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