Coding Decoding Practice Questions: Level 01

  1. In a certain code 'MISSIONS' is written as 'MSIISNOS'. How is 'ONLINE' written in that code?
    1. OLNNIE
    2. ONILEN
    3. NOILEN
    4. LNOENI
    5. ONNLIE
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  2. In certain code 'TIGER' is written as 'QDFHS'. How is 'FISH' written in that code?
    1. GERH
    2. GRHE
    3. GREH
    4. GHRE
    5. GEHR
  3. In certain code 'FROZEN' is written as 'OFAPSG'. Then how would 'MOLTEN' be written in that code?
    1. OFPOMN
    2. OFSMPN
    3. OFUMPN
    4. OFUNPM
    5. OFUMON
  4. In a certain code 'ROAR' is written as 'URDU'. How is 'URDU' written in that code?
    1. V X D Q
    2. XUGX
    3. ROAR
    4. VSOV
    5. V Z C P
  5. In a certain code 'LIMCA' is written as 'HJLDZ'. Which of the following words is written as 'IFWJBP'?
    1. M E X I C O
    2. MERCURY
    3. JAPAN
    5. H O N D U S
  1. In certain code 'HILTON' is written as 'I H T L N O'. How is 'BILLION' written in that code?
    1. IBLLION
    2. IBOILLN
    3. IBLLOIN
    4. IBLOILN
    5. IBOLLIN
  2. If in the English alphabet, every alternate letter from B onwards is written in small letters while others are written in capitals, then how will the 3rd day from Tuesday will be coded?
    1. W e D N e S d A Y
    2. W E d n E S d A Y
    3. T H U R S d A Y
    4. T h U r S d A Y
    5. f r I d A Y
  3. If the letters of the word 'CYCLINDER' are arranged alphabetically, then which letter would be farthest from the first letter of word?
    1. N
    2. E
    3. Y
    4. R
    5. None of these
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  4. In a certain code 'CERTAIN' is coded as 'BFQUZJM'. How is 'MUNDANE' coded in that code?
    1. LVMEZOD
    2. NTCOMBF
    3. NTOCNBF
    4. LTMCZOF
    5. None of these
  5. In a certain code 'SEQUENCE' is coded as 'FDOFVRFT. How is 'CHILDREN' coded in that code?
    5. None of these
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