Blood Relations Practice Questions: Level 02

DIRECTIONS for question 1: Read the following information carefully to answer the question given below it:
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(i) ‘X × Y’ means ‘X is the brother of Y’;
(ii) ‘X ÷ Y’ means ‘Y is the father of X’;
(iii) ‘X + Y’ means ‘X is the sister of Y’;
(iv) ‘X – Y’ means ‘X is the mother of Y’;
  1. Which of the following means 'A is the paternal uncle of K'?
    1. K × P ÷ M × A
    2. K × B ÷ N × A × D
    3. A × L ÷ R × K
    4. Both 1 and 2
    Sol: Option 2
    1. ‘K × P ÷ M × A’ means ‘K is the brother of P whose father is M, who is the brother of A’. Thus, K is the child of M, who is the brother of A. So, A may be the paternal uncle or aunt of K.
    2. ‘K × B ÷ N × A × D’ means ‘K is the brother of B, whose father is N, who is the brother of A, who in turn is the brother of D’. Thus, N is the father of K, and A is the brother of N. So, A is the paternal uncle of K.
    3. ‘A × L ÷ R × K’ means ‘A is the brother of L whose father is R, who is the brother of K’. Thus, R is the father of A and R is the brother of K. So, K may be the paternal uncle or aunt of A.
    Thus, only (2) represents the correct relation. Hence, the answer is (2)
  2. If 'X $ Y' means 'X is father of Y'; 'X # Y' means 'X is mother of Y'; 'X × Y' means 'X is sister of Y', then how is D related to N in N # A $ B × D ?
    1. Nephew
    2. Grandson
    3. Granddaughter
    4. Cannot be Determined
    Sol: Option 4
    Explanation:N # A $ B × D means N is the mother of A, who is the father of B, who is the sister of D. Thus, D is the son or daughter of A and N is the mother of A. So,  D is the grandson or granddaughter of N.
DIRECTIONS for questions 3 & 4: Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
‘P # Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q;
‘P + Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q;
‘P – Q’ means ‘P is the brother of Q’.
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’.
  1. If A + B # C – D, then A is D's
    1. Father
    2. Grandmother
    3. Sister
    4. Grandfather
    Sol: Option 2
    Explanation:A + B # C – D means A is the mother of B, who is the father of C, who is the brother of D, i.e., A is grandmother of D.
  2. Which of the following shows that A is the aunt of E?
    1. A + B – C * D # E
    2. A # B * C + D – E
    3. A * B # C * D – E
    4. A – B + C # D * E
    Sol: Option 3
    Explanation:A is the aunt of E means A is the sister of the father of E i.e. A * B # E. Clearly, the code in option 3 indicates the same.
DIRECTIONS for questions 5 & 6: Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
(i) ‘X × Y’ means ‘X is the father of Y;
(ii) ‘X - Y’ means ‘X is the sister of Y;
(iii) ‘X + Y’ means ‘X is the mother of Y’.
(iv) ‘X ÷ Y’ means ‘X is the brother of Y’.
  1. In the expression B + D × A ÷ N, how is A related to B?
    1. Granddaughter
    2. Son
    3. Grandson
    4. Granddaughter or Grandson
    Sol: Option 3
    Explanation:B + D × A ÷ N means B is the mother of D who is the father of A, who, in turn, is the brother of N. Thus, A is the son of D, whose mother is B i.e. A is B’s grandson.
  2. Which of the following represents 'A is son of B'?
    1. A ÷ R – T × B
    2. A + R – T × B
    3. A ÷ M – N × B
    4. B + A ÷ P.
    Sol: Option 4
    Explanation: B + A ÷ P means B is the mother of A who is the brother of P. Hence A is the son of B.Hence, answer is option 4
DIRECTIONS for questions 7 & 8: Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
‘X @ Y’ means ‘X is the mother of Y;
‘X $ Y’ means ‘X is the husband of Y;
‘X # Y’ means ‘X is the sister of Y’.
‘X * Y’ means ‘X is the son of Y’.
  1. Which of the following indicates the relationship 'A is daughter of P'?
    1. P @ B # F * A
    2. P @ B # A * F
    3. A # F * B @ P
    4. A # F * B $ P
    Sol: Option 4
    Explanation: A # F * B $ P indicates the relationship ‘A is daughter of P’.
  2. M * P @ D $ Q represents what relation of P with Q?
    1. Mother
    2. Father
    3. Mother – in – law
    4. Data Inadequate
    Sol: Option 3
    Explanation:M * P @ D $  Q means M is the son of P who is the mother of  D
    who is the husband of Q i.e. P is the mother of Q’s husband i.e. P is
    Q’s mother-in-law.
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DIRECTIONS for question 9 & 10: Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
(i) ‘X × Y’ means ‘Y is the mother of X;
(ii) ‘X + Y’ means ‘X is the brother of Y;
(iii) ‘X - Y’ means ‘X is the sister of Y’.
(iv) ‘X ÷ Y’ means ‘Y is the father of X’.
  1. Which of the following definitely means that 'X' is grandson of D'?
    1. X × H ÷ D
    2. A + X × H ÷ D
    3. A – X × H ÷ D
    4. None of these
    Sol: Option 4
    Explanation: None of the options out of these 3 means 'X' is grandson of D'.
  2. How is A related to D in A + B – C ÷ D?
    1. Son
    2. Uncle
    3. Niece
    4. Data inadequate
    Sol: Option 1
    Explanation: A is the brother of B who is sister of C whose father is D. Therefore, A is the son of D.