Data Comparison Questions : Level 01

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DIRECTIONS for questions 1 to 10: In each of these questions, two quantities are mentioned, at column A and at column B.
To mark the answers to the questions, use the following instructions.
Choose 1: If the quantity in column A is greater.
Choose 2: If the quantity in column B is greater.
Choose 3: If the two quantities are equal.
Choose 4: If the relationship cannot be determined.
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  1. Set T consists of all the three digit numbers greater than 450 that contain the digits 2, 4 and 5 with no digit repeated.
    Column A
    The number of 3 digit nos. in set T
    Column B
  2. Set T consists of all the positive integer multiples of 2 that are less than 50, and set R consists of all the positive integer multiples of 7 that are less than 50.
    Column A
    The number of integers that set T and R have in common
    Column B
    Column A
    The number of different prime factors of 28 that are greater than 2
    Column B
    The number of different prime factors of 24 that are greater than 2
  4. The product of two consecutive positive integers equals 6 times the smaller integer.
    Column A
    The sum of the two integers
    Column B
  5. Integers t, u, v, w, x and y are equally spaced on the number line, yt = 30
    Column A
    Column B
    Column A
    The sum of 3 greatest distinct integers that are less than 2
    Column B
    The sum of 2 least distinct integers that are greater than -1
  7. Let (m, n) be defined as the set of all integers between m and n, excluding m and n. For example, (0, 3.5) = {1, 2, 3}. x is in (2, 6), y is in (6,9)
    Column A
    Column B
    Column A
    Number of integers between 15 and 51 that are squares of integers
    Column B
    Number of integers between 6 and 126 that are cubes of integers
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  10. The first number in a sequence of 10 numbers is 3
    Column A
    The sum of the first 10 numbers in the sequence
    Column B
  11. The sum of the negative of t and the square of s is less than 2
    Column A
    t + 2
    Column B
    s 2
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