Grammar Basics: Interjections

In this article, we help you learn and revise the basics of interjections. These would go a long way in helping you understand the ways to identify and use interjections. Use this article as a revision tool in your spare time.
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An interjection is one or more words or a phrase which comes at the beginning of a sentence and generally expresses emotions. Interjections such as short exclamations - Oh!, Um or Ah!  have no real grammatical value but we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than in writing.
When interjections are inserted into a sentence, they have no grammatical connection to the sentence.
An interjection is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark (!) when written.
Example: Alas! She is no more.
Below is the list of interjections with their meaning and uses:
Interjection Meaning Use
Aah Exclamation of fear Aah! The monster’s got me!
Ahh Realization or acceptance Ahh, now I see what you mean.
Aww Something sweet or cute Aww! Just look at that kitten.
Bingo Acknowledge something as right Bingo! That’s exactly what we were looking for!
Eh Question something So that was all she said, eh?
Eww Something disgusting Eww! That movie was so gory.
Hmph To indicate displeasure Hmph. I could do that for half the amount he charged.
Oh I see/ I think Oh, it’s been around a week since I saw her.
Oops Making a mistake Oops! Sorry I didn’t see those skates there.
Ouch Exclamation of pain Ouch, that hurt! Stop pinching me!
Shh An indication for silence Shh! The show is about to start.
Uh oh Showing dismay Uh oh! The teacher’s caught him.
Whew Amazement and/or relief Whew! I can’t believe we actually finished it all.
Wow Expressing surprise or admiration Wow! That’s really great news!
Yay/Yaay Congratulatory exclamation I can’t believe you’re actually coming here! Yaay!
Yeah Variant of ‘yes’ Yeah, I’d love some orange juice.
Yikes For fear or concern (not serious) Yikes, my mother’s home!
Yippee Exclamation of celebration Yippee! We won, let’s head to the bar.
Some interjections are used to stall for time or indicate that the speaker is thinking of something. General use of interjection is in certain situations when someone doesn't know what to say.
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The following is a list of these sounds or words; they are also called ‘Hesitation Devices’
Interjection Meaning Use
Uh Indicates a pause/ need for more time Wait I know this... uh... is it Ruskin Bond?
Hmm Thinking/Hesitating about something Hmm, I’m not sure this color is the best for this room.
Er Not knowing what to say I don’t wait... let me call my boss.
Um Pausing or being skeptical Not that I don’t believe you but, um, you say it’s a ghost?
Interjections: Key Learning
  • Though, interjections are not used much, still they have importance in sentence formation while expressing some emotions.
  • The given article will help you to make proper usage wherever required. So, do take the test and watch the video.
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