Bagatelle: A light piece of music for piano |
That bagatelle is a delight to hear. |
Callow: Young and inexperienced |
Although he is 25, he still behaves like a callow youth in some ways. |
Dolorous: Showing sorrow |
The dolorous mourners followed the procession. |
Encomium: A formal expression of praise |
The piece is an encomium to God and his creation. |
Hyperbole: Extravagant exaggeration |
The debate was carried on with increasing rhetorical hyperbole. |
Impudent: Marked by casual disrespect |
The student was not allowed in the class for his impudent behaviour. |
Internecine: within a group or organization |
The fight amongst the staff has turned attention to the internecine strife here. |
Livid: Anaemic looking from illness or emotion |
His face was livid with shock on learning of the loss of her savings. |
Martinet: Someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms |
He is a retired lieutenant and a bit of a martinet. |
Munificent: Very generous |
He gave a munificent donation to the old age home. |
Nepotism: Favouritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power |
They protested at what they described as nepotism and corruption in the government. |
Obloquy: State of disgrace resulting from public abuse |
His political opinions have attracted obloquy. |
Penchant: A strong liking |
He had a penchant for playing jokes on people. |
Potentate: A ruler who is unconstrained by law |
The rich Eastern potentate took good care of his subjects. |
Prerogative: A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group |
It is the principal’s prerogative to suspend any student. |
Prevarication: A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth |
After months of prevarication, a decision has been made. |
Raconteur: A person skilled in telling anecdotes |
He spoke eight languages and was a noted raconteur. |
Ruminate: Reflect deeply on a subject |
I had time to ruminate as I drove along on what to do next in life. |
Sophistry: A deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone |
She understood that the consolation being offered was mere sophistry. |
Sullen: Showing a brooding ill humour |
She worked with a sullen face throughout the day. |
Termagant: A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman |
The magic of money turned the termagant into a docile and attentive nurse. |
Tyro: Someone new to a field or activity |
He was still a tyro when he set out sailing. |