Difficult Logical Puzzles - 2

Logical reasoning puzzles are often asked in bank PO, SSC, government exams and many entrance tests. These are mostly based on arrangements or conditional selection. Such questions intend to check your analytical, deductive and problem solving abilities. Here is a compilation of a series of different logical reasoning puzzles with answers. This exclusive article contains 5 advanced puzzle sets containing 4-5 questions each.
Try the given questions and check your level of preparation:
DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 5 Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
  1. There is a group of five persons A, B, C, D and E.
  2. One of them is a horticulturist, one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and one is an advocate.
  3. Three of them A, C and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them — B and the journalist prefer coffee to tea.
  4. The industrialist and D and A, are friends to one another but two of them prefer coffee to tea.
  5. The horticulturist is C's brother. 
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  1. Who is the horticulturist?
    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E
  2. Who is the industrialist?
    1. E 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
  3. Which of the following groups includes a person who likes tea but is not an advocate ?
    1. ACE 2. DE 3. BCE 4. BD 5. None of these
  4. Who is a physicist?
    1. A 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. B
  5. Which of the statements given above is superfluous?
    1. (iii) 2. (iv) 3. (ii) 4. (v) 5. None of these
DIRECTIONS for the question 6 to 9: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
  1. There are five members of a family - Jayant, Kamal, Namita, Asha and Tanmay 
  2. Their birthdays fall between January to May, with each member in one of these months.
  3. Each one likes one particular type of dessert for his/her birthday out of Bengali sweets, Chocolates, Pastries, Ice-cream and Dry fruits.
  4. The one who likes Pastries is born in the month which is exactly middle in the months given.
  5. Asha does not like Ice-cream but brings Chocolates for Jayant in February.
  6. Tanmay, who loves Bengali sweets is born in the next month immediately after Namita.
  7. Namita does not like Dry fruits or Ice-cream.
  1. What is the choice of Asha?
    1. Pastries
    2. Dry fruits
    3. Bengali sweets
    4. Cannot be determined
    5. None of these
  2. Which of thecombination of month and item is true for Jayant?
    1. March - Pastries
    2. February - Pastries
    3. February - Ice cream
    4. Cannot be determined
    5. None of these
  3. What is the choice of Kamal ?
    1. ice-cream
    2. Bengali sweets
    3. Dry fruits
    4. Cannot be determined
    5. None of these
  4. In which month was Kamal born?
    1. January
    2. May
    3. January or May
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
DIRECTIONS for the question 10 to 13: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Three ladies and four men are a group of friends i.e. P, K, R, Q, J, V and X. Each one has a unique profession i.e. Lawyer, Travel Agent, Air-hostess, Doctor, Professor, Consultant and Jeweller and each one owns a different car i.e. Alto, Corolla, Santro, Lancer, Ikon, Scorpio and Esteem, not necessarily in that order. None of the ladies is a Consultant or a Lawyer. R is an Air-hostess and she owns an Ikon car, P owns a Scorpio. K is not a Doctor. J is a Jeweller and he owns Corolla. V is a Lawyer and does not own Alto. X is a Consultant and owns Santro, The Doctor owns Esteem car whereas the Professor owns Scorpio. The Travel Agent owns an Alto. None .of the ladies owns a Scorpio.
  1. Who are the three ladies in the group?
    1. V, R, K
    2. R, P, J
    3. R, K, Q
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
  2. What car does Q own?
    1. Esteem
    2. Lancer
    3. Alto
    4. Santro
    5. None of these
  3. Who owns the car Lancer?
    1. V
    2. X
    3. K
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
  4. What is the profession of K?
    1. Doctor
    2. Professor
    3. Travel Agent
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
DIRECTIONS for the question 14 to 18: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Four players A, B, C and D are holding 4 cards each. Each of them has an Ace, a King, a Queen and a Jack. All of them have all the suits (spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds). 
  1. A has Ace of spades and Queen of diamonds. 
  2. B has Ace of clubs and King of diamonds.
  3. C has Queen of clubs and King of spades.
  4. D has Jack of clubs.
  1. Ace of diamonds is with
    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
  2. Jack of hearts is with
    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
  3. Queen of spades is with
    1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
  4. C has which of the following with him?
    1. Ace of hearts
    2. Jack of spades
    3. King of hearts
    4. Queen of spades
  5. D has which of the following with him?
    1. Ace of hearts
    2. Queen of hearts
    3. King of hearts
    4. King of clubs
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DIRECTIONS for the question 19 to 22: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
  1. A, B, C, D, E and F are six members of a group in which there are three female members. Females work in three departments - Accounts, Administration and Personnel and sit on three different floors- 1st, IInd and IIIrd. Persons working in the same department are not on the same floor. On each floor two persons works.
  2. No two ladies work in the same department or on the same floor. B and E work in the same department but not in Personnel. D works in Administraton. E and A are on the Ist and IIIrd floor respectively and work in the same department. D, a lady, does not work on IInd floor. C, a man, works on Ist floor.
  1. Which of the following groups of persons are females?
    1. ADF
    2. CDF
    3. DEF
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
  2. Which of the following pairs works on IInd floor?
    1. AE
    2. BD
    3. BF
    4. CF
    5. None of these
  3. Which of the following Paris of persons work in Administration?
    1. BD
    2. CD
    3. CE
    4. Data inadequate
    5. None of these
  4. F works in which department?
    1. Administration
    2. Accounts
    3. Personnel
    4. Accounts or Personnel
    5. None of these
1-5.   A prefers tea. So, from (iv), the industrialist and D prefer coffee. From (iii), B and the journalist prefer coffee. So, B is the industrialist and D is the journalist.
Now, A, C and advocate remain. Clearly, E is the advocate. The horticulturist is C's brother. It can be only A. C is a physicist.
  A B C D E
Profession Horticulturist Industrialist Physicist Journalist Advocate
Preference Tea Coffee Tea Coffee Tea
1. 1 A is the horticulturist
2. 3 B is the industrialist
3. 5 Clearly, A and C are the persons who like tea but are not advocates.
4. 4 C is the physicist.
5. 5 Since all the statements are required to analyse the given data, none of them is superfluous.
6-9.   (1) Choice: Jayarit likes Chocolates; Tanmay likes Bengali sweets. Namita does not like Dry fruits or Ice-cream. So, Namita likes Pastries. Asha does not like Ice-cream. So, she is fond of Dry fruits. Finally, Kamal likes Ice-cream.
(II) Date of Birth: The one who likes Pastries i.e., Namita is born in the middle of months given i.e. in March. Tanmay is born in next month after Namita i.e. in April. Jayant's birthday is in February.
Person Jayant Kamal Namita Asha Tanmay
Choice Chocolates Ice-cream Pastries Dry fruits Bengali sweets
Date of Birth February January/May March January/May April
6. 2 The choice of Asha is Dry fruits
7. 5 The correct combination of Jayant is February - Chocolates.
8. 1 The choice of Kamal is Ice-cream.
9. 3 Kamal was born in January or May.
10-13.   R is an Air-hostess, J is a Jeweller, V is a Lawyer, X is a Consultant. Now, R is a female, J is a male. V and X, being Lawyer and Consultant, are both males. P owns Scorpio and so is a male. Thus, only K and Q remain and since there are three ladies in the group, so k and Q are both females. Since P owns Scorpio, so P is a Professor. K is not a Doctor. So, k is a Travel Agent and owns Alto. Thus, Q is a Doctor and owns Esteem. Finally, V, the Lawyer, owns Lancer.
Person Sex Profession Car
P Male Professor Scorpio
K Female Travel Agent Alto
R Female Air-hostess Ikon
Q Female Doctor Esteem
J Male Jeweller Corolla
V Male Lawyer Lancer
X Male Consultant Santro
10. 3 K, R and Q are the three ladies in the group.
11. 1 Q owns Esteem car
12. 1 V owns the car Lancer
13. 3 K is a Travel Agent by profession
14-18.   B has Ace of clubs, C has Queen of clubs and D has Jack of clubs. So, A has King of clubs. Now, A has Ace of spades, King of clubs and Queen of diamonds. So, A has Jack of hearts. C has King of spades and Queen of clubs. So, C has either Jack or Ace of Hearts. But A has Jack of hearts. So, C has Ace of hearts. Now, C has Ace of hearts, King of spades and Queen of clubs. So, C has Jack of diamonds. B has Ace of clubs and King of diamonds. So, B has either Jack or Queen of hearts. But A has Jack of hearts. So, B has Queen of hearts. Now, B has Ace of clubs, King of diamonds and Queen of hearts. So, B has Jack of spades. The remaining four cards are with R So, D has Ace of diamonds, Jack of clubs, King of hearts and Queen of spades.
  Spades Diamonds Clubs Hearts
Ace A D B C
Jack B C D A
King C B A D
Queen D A C B
14. 4 Ace of diamonds is with D.
15. 1 Jack of hearts is with A.
16. 4 Queen of Spades is with D.
17. 1 C has Ace of hearts
18. 2 D has King of hearts
19-22.   E and A are on 1st and Illrd floors respectively. Now, E and A work in the same department; B and E work in the same department. So, B, E and A work in the same department, which is not Personnel. So, they must be on different floors. Thus, B works on the Ilnd floor. Since there are only 2 persons on each floor and that too of different departments, so at; the morat only 3 persons can be in the same department. Since D already works in Administration, so each of B, E and A works in Accounts.
Now, C and E work on 1st floor. D does not work on Ilnd floor. So, D works on Illrd floor along with A. Finally, B and F work on Ilnd floor.
On the 1st floor, C is a male. So, E is a female. Since E works in Accounts, so C works in either Administration or Personnel. On the Illrd floor, D is a female. So, A is a male. Now, B and F remain. Since E is a female working in Accounts and D is a female working in Administration, so the third female must be working in Personnel. Since B works in Accounts, so F is a female and B is a male.
Member A B C D E F
Sex Male Male Male Female Female Female
Department Accounts Accounts Admn/Pers Admn. Accounts Personnel
19. 3 D, E and F are female members
20. 3 B and F work on the IInd floor
21. 4 Since the department of C cannot be determined for sure, so the given data is inadequate.
22. 3 F works in Personnel
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